
Buy Aldara


Aldara is an immune response modifier that is used topically to treat actinic keratosis, basal cell carcinoma, and external genital and perianal warts. It works by activating the immune system to attack and destroy the affected skin cells.

  • Delivery time: Airmail (14-21 days) | EMS trackable (5-9 days)
  • Prescription: Included
  • Availability: In Stock

Aldara Information

Aldara Medication Information Leaflet

Common Use

Aldara is commonly used for the treatment of certain types of skin conditions, including actinic keratosis, superficial basal cell carcinoma, and external genital warts.


Aldara is classified as an immune response modifier. It contains the active ingredient Imiquimod, which stimulates the body's immune response to help fight these skin conditions.

Generic Ingredient

Imiquimod (the generic compound of Aldara) is available in Australia under the brand name Aldara.

Certification Information

Aldara is approved for use in a number of countries, including Australia, United States, Canada, and European countries.

Known Alternatives in Australia

In Australia, some of the alternatives to Aldara for the treatment of similar skin conditions include Efudix cream, Picato gel, and Veregen ointment. These alternatives should be considered under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Clinical Use

Aldara is clinically used to treat precancerous skin lesions (actinic keratosis), certain types of skin cancer (superficial basal cell carcinoma), and external genital warts caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV).

Spectrum Of Activity

Aldara has a spectrum of activity in stimulating the immune response against abnormal skin cell growth and viruses such as HPV. It is not effective for all types of skin conditions, and its use should be guided by a healthcare professional.

Drug interaction

Aldara may interact with certain medications, particularly those that suppress the immune system. It is important to inform the healthcare provider about all the medications, supplements, and herbal products being taken before starting Aldara.

Contraindications and Precautions

Aldara is contraindicated in individuals with known hypersensitivity to Imiquimod or any of the cream's components. Precautions should be taken when using Aldara in individuals with weakened immune systems or autoimmune diseases.

Possible side effect

Common side effects of Aldara may include application site reactions, flu-like symptoms, headache, muscle aches, and fatigue. It is important to report any severe or persistent side effects to a healthcare professional.

Dosage and Directions

The dosage and application directions for Aldara depend on the specific condition being treated. It is usually applied to the affected skin area before bedtime for a prescribed number of days. Detailed instructions should be followed as per the healthcare provider's guidance.

Missed dose and Overdose

If a dose of Aldara is missed, it should be applied as soon as remembered, unless it is almost time for the next dose. Overdose of Aldara may lead to an increased likelihood of severe side effects. It is important to follow the prescribed dosage and not use more than directed.


Aldara should be stored at room temperature away from moisture and heat. It should be kept out of reach of children and pets. Unused packets should be discarded safely.

Known Non-standard Use

Aldara is sometimes used off-label for other skin conditions or purposes, such as in the treatment of certain viral skin infections. The non-standard use of Aldara should only be considered under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Patient Considerations

Individuals using Aldara should be advised to avoid sexual contact while the cream is on the skin, and to use condoms when engaging in sexual activity with partners who are not infected with the same HPV-related conditions. It is important to discuss personal health factors and concerns with a healthcare professional.

Breastfeeding and Pregnancy

The use of Aldara during pregnancy or breastfeeding should be discussed with a healthcare professional. The potential risks and benefits of the medication in specific situations need to be carefully evaluated.

Possible Risks

Aldara may carry the risk of causing local skin reactions, including redness, swelling, blistering, and ulceration at the application site. In some cases, systemic side effects such as flu-like symptoms and fatigue may also occur. It is important to discuss the potential risks with a healthcare provider before using Aldara.

Aldara FAQ

What is Aldara used for?

Aldara is used to treat certain types of skin growths, including external genital warts and certain superficial basal cell carcinoma.

How do I apply Aldara cream?

Aldara should be applied to the affected area before bedtime and left on for 6-10 hours. The treatment cycle varies depending on the condition being treated.

What are the side effects of Aldara?

Common side effects of Aldara include redness, swelling, sores, blisters, ulcers, and flu-like symptoms. It's important to consult a healthcare professional for a full list of potential side effects.

Can Aldara be used for children?

Aldara is typically not recommended for use in children under 12 years old, unless specifically directed by a doctor.

Can Aldara be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding?

It's important to consult a healthcare professional before using Aldara during pregnancy or while breastfeeding to weigh the potential risks and benefits.

How long does it take for Aldara to work?

The response to Aldara treatment varies depending on the condition being treated. It's important to follow the prescribed treatment cycle and consult a healthcare professional for specific timelines.

Can Aldara be used on any skin type?

Aldara can be used on all skin types, but individual response may vary. Consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

What should I avoid while using Aldara?

It's important to avoid sexual contact, application of cosmetics or other skin products on the treated areas, and exposure to sunlight on the treated skin while using Aldara.

How often should I use Aldara?

Aldara is typically applied 2-3 times per week, or as directed by a healthcare professional.

What should I do in case of an Aldara overdose?

In case of an Aldara overdose, it's important to seek medical attention or contact a poison control center immediately.

How is Aldara different from other skin creams?

Aldara is an immune response modifier that works by stimulating the body's natural defenses, as opposed to directly attacking the targeted growths.

Does Aldara cure the underlying virus that causes genital warts?

Aldara helps to treat the symptoms of genital warts, but does not cure the underlying viral infection. It's important to maintain regular check-ups with a healthcare professional.

Can I use Aldara for conditions not listed in the medication guide?

It's important to use Aldara only for the condition it was prescribed for. Consult a healthcare professional for advice on other conditions.

What is the cost of Aldara?

The cost of Aldara may vary depending on the dose, form, and pharmacy location. It's important to check with the specific pharmacy for accurate pricing.

Where can I buy Aldara?

Aldara is a prescription medication and can be purchased at pharmacies with a valid prescription from a healthcare professional.

Aldara Properties

  • Conditions To Treat: Genital warts, certain types of skin cancer
  • Clinical Use: Activate the immune system to fight off the virus or cancer cells
  • Spectrum Of Activity: Immune response modifier
  • Mechanism Of Action: Stimulates the production of interferon and other cytokines
  • Length Of Use: Short-term
  • Recommended Dosage: Apply a thin layer on affected area 3 times a week
  • Side Effects: Skin irritation, flu-like symptoms, headache

Aldara Related Medications

  • Zyclara by PharmaDerm

Aldara Suggested Treatments

Aldara various suggestions

How to Order Aldara | Imiquimod from our Online Pharmacy

To order Aldara | Imiquimod on our online pharmacy, all you need to do is choose the necessary dosage and quantity of pills above. Actual cost of the selected pack will be reflected automatically. After that, you can add chosen amount to your cart by clicking the Add to Cart button. You can continue shopping for more medications or proceed to the checkout. At the Checkout, you can complete the payment process through our secure and dedicated payment gateway.

Aldara / Imiquimod sachets are made of high quality generic compounds and under strict quality control measures under WHO and Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) standards. However Aldara sachets are sent from outise of Australia due to presciption issued overseas.

Aldara Reviews

Yo, anyone ever used Aldara? I heard it's supposed to treat certain skin conditions, but does it actually work?

Jack T. (coolstreet86) Sydney, Australia

@coolstreet86 Yeah, I've used Aldara before. It's pretty effective for genital warts. Just gotta apply it carefully though, the side effects can be a bit intense.

Liam S. (whatsupmate09) Melbourne, Australia

@whatsupmate09 I've also used Aldara for genital warts and had a similar experience. The cream burns quite a bit, but it does help get rid of the warts.

Emily W. (aussiegal93) Brisbane, Australia

Aldara is no joke, people. I used it for basal cell carcinoma and it worked wonders. Just follow the instructions carefully, or you might end up with a painful red mess!

Lara M. (beachlover77) Gold Coast, Australia

@beachlover77 Thanks for the heads up, mate. I've got some basal cell carcinoma too, gonna give Aldara a shot. Fingers crossed for a positive outcome!

Justin T. (tattooguy88) Adelaide, Australia

@tattooguy88 No worries, Justin. Good luck with your treatment, mate! Keep us posted on your progress.

Lara M. (beachlover77) Gold Coast, Australia

Anyone used Aldara for actinic keratosis? I'm considering it but unsure about the side effects.

Emily W. (aussiegal93) Brisbane, Australia

@aussiegal93 I've used Aldara for actinic keratosis. The side effects were annoying, to be honest. But it did help clear up the rough patches on my skin after a few weeks.

Lily N. (scarletrose75) Perth, Australia

@scarletrose75 I agree, the side effects are a pain in the butt. But for me, the results were worth it. My skin is looking much better now. Just gotta tough it out!

Tim J. (toughguy11) Darwin, Australia

@toughguy11 True, it's all about weighing the pros and cons. Glad to hear it worked out for you, Tim!

Lily N. (scarletrose75) Perth, Australia

Hey all, does Aldara work for molluscum contagiosum? I've heard mixed things and wanted to get some opinions before giving it a try.

Sophie W. (kiwichick22) Auckland, New Zealand

@kiwichick22 I used Aldara for molluscum contagiosum and it helped clear it up, but it took a while. Just be patient and consistent with the treatment, it's like a marathon!

Lara M. (beachlover77) Gold Coast, Australia

@beachlover77 I second that, it's not a quick fix for molluscum contagiosum. But if you stick with it, the results will come. Hang in there, Sophie!

Tim J. (toughguy11) Darwin, Australia

Thanks for the advice, guys. I appreciate the support. Patience is not my strong suit, but I'll give Aldara a shot.

Sophie W. (kiwichick22) Auckland, New Zealand

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