
Buy Orlistat


Orlistat is a weight loss medication that works by preventing the absorption of dietary fats, making it useful for individuals struggling with obesity or needing help with weight loss management.

  • Delivery time: Airmail (14-21 days) | EMS trackable (5-9 days)
  • Prescription: Included
  • Availability: In Stock

Orlistat Information

Orlistat Medication Information Leaflet

Common Use

Orlistat is used for weight management in overweight and obese individuals, in combination with a low-calorie diet.


Orlistat is classified as a gastrointestinal lipase inhibitor.

Generic Ingredient

Orlistat's generic ingredient (generic name) is orlistat. It is available in Australia under various brand names.

Certification Information

Orlistat is approved for use in several countries, including Australia, United States, and European Union.

Known Alternatives in Australia

Some known alternatives to Orlistat in Australia include phentermine/topiramate, buproprion/naltrexone, and liraglutide.

Clinical Use

Orlistat is primarily used for management of obesity and weight control.

Spectrum Of Activity

Orlistat works locally in the gastrointestinal tract and is not absorbed into the bloodstream. It prevents the absorption of about one-third of the fat in the food you eat.

Drug interaction

Orlistat may interact with some medications, such as cyclosporine, and it is important to consult a healthcare professional before using it in combination with other drugs.

Contraindications and Precautions

Orlistat is contraindicated in individuals with chronic malabsorption syndrome or cholestasis. Precautions should be taken when using Orlistat with a low-fat diet and in individuals with a history of kidney stones.

Possible side effect

Common side effects of Orlistat may include oily spotting, gas with discharge, oily stools, and more frequent bowel movements. It is important to consult a healthcare professional if you experience severe or persistent side effects.

Dosage and Directions

The recommended dose of Orlistat is 120 mg three times a day with each main meal. It should be taken with a well-balanced, calorie-controlled diet.

Missed dose and Overdose

If a dose of Orlistat is missed, it can be taken within an hour of the missed meal. Double doses should not be taken. Overdose of Orlistat may result in severe gastrointestinal effects and should be managed through supportive care.


Orlistat should be stored at room temperature, away from light and moisture, and out of reach of children.

Known Non-standard Use

Some non-standard uses of Orlistat may include its off-label use for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD).

Patient Considerations

Patients should be advised to adhere to a low-calorie diet while using Orlistat and to take a daily multivitamin supplement containing fat-soluble vitamins at least 2 hours before or after taking Orlistat.

Breastfeeding and Pregnancy

Orlistat is not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for appropriate guidance.

Possible Risks

Use of Orlistat may be associated with potential risks such as liver injury, gallbladder disease, and digestive issues. Monitoring for these risks is important during treatment.

Orlistat FAQ

What is Orlistat?

Orlistat is a medication used to help people lose weight by preventing the absorption of some fats in the body.

How does Orlistat work?

Orlistat works by inhibiting the action of pancreatic lipases in the gut, preventing the hydrolysis of triglycerides into absorbable free fatty acids and monoglycerides. This reduces the absorption of dietary fat.

What are the side effects of Orlistat?

Common side effects of Orlistat include fatty or oily stools, stomach pain, and frequent or urgent bowel movements. It may also cause flatulence, soft stools, and oily spotting from the rectum.

Is Orlistat suitable for everyone?

Orlistat is not suitable for pregnant or breastfeeding women, individuals with malabsorption syndrome, or those with known hypersensitivity to Orlistat or any component of the product.

How should Orlistat be taken for best results?

Orlistat is usually taken three times a day during or up to one hour after each main meal. It should be taken with a well-balanced, calorie-controlled diet that is rich in fruit and vegetables and contains an average of 30% of the calories from fat.

What happens if I miss a dose of Orlistat?

If you miss a meal or have a meal low in fat, you can skip your dose of Orlistat.

Can Orlistat be used for long-term weight loss?

Orlistat is usually only recommended for people with a BMI of 28 or more, and it should only be used for a maximum of two years, in conjunction with lifestyle changes.

How long does it take for Orlistat to start working?

Orlistat may start working within a few days or it may take up to two weeks before noticeable effects occur.

Are there any drug interactions with Orlistat?

Orlistat may interfere with the absorption of some fat-soluble vitamins and beta-carotene. It is recommended to take a multivitamin supplement containing vitamins A, D, E, K, and beta-carotene once a day, at least 2 hours before or after taking Orlistat.

Can I buy Orlistat over the counter?

A lower-dose version of Orlistat is available over the counter, but the higher dose must be prescribed by a doctor.

What lifestyle changes should I make while taking Orlistat?

It's important to follow a reduced-calorie, low-fat diet while taking Orlistat. A nutritionist or dietitian can help in creating an appropriate eating plan.

Is Orlistat a magic pill for weight loss?

Orlistat is not a 'magic pill' for weight loss. It should be used in conjunction with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Are there any age restrictions for Orlistat?

Orlistat is typically suitable for adults over the age of 18. However, it should not be used by individuals under 12 years old.

Is Orlistat safe for people with diabetes?

Orlistat can be used by people with diabetes, but they should be monitored closely for potential changes in blood sugar control.

What is the cost of Orlistat?

The cost of Orlistat varies depending on the brand and dosage. Generally, the cost can range from moderate to expensive.

Orlistat Properties

  • Conditions To Treat: Obesity
  • Clinical Use: Lipase inhibitor
  • Spectrum Of Activity: Narrow spectrum
  • Mechanism Of Action: Inhibits absorption of dietary fats
  • Length Of Use: Long-term use
  • Recommended Dosage: 120 mg orally three times daily with meals
  • Side Effects: Fatty or oily stools, flatulence

Orlistat Related Medications

  • Phentermine by GATE Pharmaceuticals

Orlistat Suggested Treatments

Orlistat various suggestions

How to Purchase Orlistat on our Website

To purchase Orlistat on our online pharmacy, just choose the necessary dosage and quantity of pills above. Actual price of your choice will be reflected automatically. After that, you can add chosen amount to your cart by clicking the Add to Cart button. You can continue shopping for more pills or proceed to the checkout. At the Checkout, you can complete the payment process through our secure and dedicated payment gateway.

Orlistat / Orlistat pills are made of high quality generic compounds and under strict quality control measures under WHO and Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) standards. However Orlistat pills are sent from outise of Australia due to presciption issued overseas.

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