
Buy Paxil


Paxil, also known as paroxetine, is an antidepressant belonging to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class of drugs. It is used to treat depression, panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive disorder, social anxiety disorder, and generalized anxiety disorder.

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Paxil Information

Paxil Medication Information Leaflet

Common Use

Paxil is commonly used to treat major depressive disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder.


Paxil is classified as a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), which works by restoring the balance of serotonin in the brain.

Generic Ingredient

The generic ingredient for Paxil is paroxetine hydrochloride. Paxil is available in Australia under the brand name Paxtine.

Certification Information

Paxil is approved for use in various countries, including Australia, the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and many others.

Known Alternatives in Australia

Some known alternatives to Paxil in Australia include Zoloft (sertraline), Prozac (fluoxetine), and Lexapro (escitalopram). It's important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the most suitable alternative.

Clinical Use

Paxil is clinically used to alleviate the symptoms of depression, anxiety disorders, and other related conditions. It should be used as directed by a healthcare provider.

Spectrum Of Activity

Paxil primarily affects the neurotransmitter serotonin and is specifically designed to regulate its levels in the brain. This action helps to improve mood and alleviate symptoms associated with various mental health disorders.

Drug interaction

Paxil may interact with other medications, such as monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs), blood thinners, certain pain medications, and some herbal supplements. It's crucial to inform the healthcare provider about all medications and supplements being taken to prevent potential interactions.

Contraindications and Precautions

Individuals with a history of allergic reactions to Paxil or its components should avoid its use. Additionally, caution should be exercised in individuals with a history of seizures, liver or kidney impairment, bipolar disorder, or those taking other medications that affect serotonin levels.

Possible side effect

Common side effects of Paxil may include nausea, drowsiness, insomnia, dizziness, and sexual dysfunction. It's important to report any unexpected or severe side effects to a healthcare professional.

Dosage and Directions

The dosage and administration of Paxil should be determined by a healthcare provider based on the individual's condition and medical history. It is typically taken once daily, with or without food.

Missed dose and Overdose

If a dose of Paxil is missed, it should be taken as soon as remembered unless it is close to the next scheduled dose. In case of overdose, immediate medical attention is required, and the local poison control center should be contacted.


Paxil should be stored at room temperature away from moisture and heat. It should be kept out of reach of children and pets.

Known Non-standard Use

Paxil may sometimes be prescribed for off-label uses, such as the treatment of hot flashes, premenstrual dysphoric disorder, or post-traumatic stress disorder.

Patient Considerations

Patients should be closely monitored for changes in mood, behavior, or worsening symptoms while taking Paxil, especially at the beginning of the treatment or when the dosage is adjusted.

Breastfeeding and Pregnancy

Paxil may pose risks during pregnancy and breastfeeding. It is important to discuss the potential benefits and risks with a healthcare provider before using Paxil during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.

Possible Risks

Paxil has been associated with an increased risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors, particularly in young adults. Any concerning changes in mood or behavior should be promptly reported to a healthcare provider.

Paxil FAQ

What is Paxil used for?

Paxil, also known as paroxetine, is commonly used to treat depression, anxiety disorders, and certain types of premenstrual syndrome.

What are the possible side effects of Paxil?

Some of the common side effects of Paxil include drowsiness, dizziness, insomnia, nausea, and sexual side effects. It is important to consult a healthcare professional for a full list of potential side effects.

Is Paxil addictive?

Paxil is not considered to be addictive. However, it is important to follow the prescribed dosage and not to suddenly stop taking the medication without consulting a healthcare professional.

How long does it take for Paxil to start working?

It may take several weeks for Paxil to start working. Patients should continue taking the medication as prescribed even if they do not notice immediate effects, and should consult their doctor if there is no improvement after a few weeks.

Can Paxil be taken during pregnancy?

Paxil may pose risks to a developing fetus, particularly if taken during the first trimester of pregnancy. Pregnant women or those planning to become pregnant should discuss the potential risks and benefits with their healthcare provider.

What should I do if I miss a dose of Paxil?

If a dose of Paxil is missed, it should be taken as soon as possible. However, if it is close to the time of the next dose, the missed dose should be skipped. Doubling the dose to catch up is not recommended.

Can Paxil be taken with alcohol?

It is generally advised to avoid consuming alcohol while taking Paxil, as it may increase the risk of certain side effects and may also worsen the symptoms of depression or anxiety.

Is Paxil safe for children?

Paxil is approved for use in children and adolescents for certain conditions, but it should be prescribed and monitored by a qualified healthcare professional due to the potential risks and benefits.

Can Paxil cause weight gain?

Weight gain is a potential side effect of Paxil. It is important for patients to discuss any concerns about changes in weight with their healthcare provider.

How is Paxil different from other antidepressants?

Paxil belongs to a class of antidepressants called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). It works by increasing serotonin levels in the brain and has a different chemical structure from other SSRIs, which may result in different side effects and efficacy for individual patients.

Does Paxil interact with other medications?

Paxil may interact with a variety of medications, including other antidepressants, painkillers, and certain antibiotics. It is important to inform healthcare providers of all medications being taken to avoid potential interactions.

How long should Paxil be taken?

The duration of Paxil treatment varies depending on the condition being treated and individual response to the medication. Patients should follow the prescribed treatment plan and consult their doctor before discontinuing the medication.

What is the recommended dosage of Paxil?

The recommended dosage of Paxil varies based on the condition being treated and individual patient response. It is important to follow the specific instructions provided by the prescribing healthcare professional.

Can Paxil cause withdrawal symptoms?

Abruptly stopping Paxil may lead to withdrawal symptoms such as dizziness, irritability, and flu-like symptoms. It is important to gradually reduce the dosage under the supervision of a healthcare provider when discontinuing the medication.

Is Paxil the same as paroxetine?

Yes, Paxil is the brand name for the medication paroxetine. Both are used interchangeably to refer to the same drug.

Paxil Related Medications

  • Zoloft by Pfizer

Paxil Suggested Treatments

Paxil various suggestions

How to Order Paxil | Paroxetine from our Online Pharmacy

To order Paxil | Paroxetine on our online pharmacy, all you need to do is choose the necessary dosage and quantity of pills above. Actual cost of the selected pack will be reflected automatically. After that, you can add chosen amount to your cart by clicking the Add to Cart button. You can continue shopping for more medications or proceed to the checkout. At the Checkout, you can complete the payment process through our secure and dedicated payment gateway.

Paxil / Paroxetine pills are made of high quality generic compounds and under strict quality control measures under WHO and Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) standards. However Paxil pills are sent from outise of Australia due to presciption issued overseas.

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