
Buy Zyban


Zyban (bupropion) is a prescription medication used to help people quit smoking by reducing the urge for nicotine. It works by affecting the balance of certain natural chemicals in the brain. Zyban is typically used in combination with counseling and support to effectively stop smoking.

  • Delivery time: Airmail (14-21 days) | EMS trackable (5-9 days)
  • Prescription: Included
  • Availability: In Stock

Zyban Information

Zyban Medication Information Leaflet

Common Use

Zyban is commonly used as an aid to smoking cessation. It is designed to help reduce the craving for nicotine and the withdrawal symptoms associated with quitting smoking.


Zyban is classified as a smoking cessation aid and is a non-nicotine medication.

Generic Ingredient

The generic compound of Zyban is Bupropion. It is available in Australia under the brand name Zyban.

Certification Information

Zyban is approved for use in several countries, including Australia, United States, United Kingdom, and others.

Known Alternatives in Australia

Some known alternatives for smoking cessation in Australia include nicotine replacement therapies and other prescription medications approved for the same purpose.

Clinical Use

Zyban is clinically used as part of a comprehensive program that includes behavioral therapy to support smoking cessation.

Spectrum Of Activity

Zyban primarily targets nicotine addiction and withdrawal symptoms associated with smoking cessation.

Drug interaction

Zyban may interact with certain drugs, including MAO inhibitors, seizure medications, and other medications that lower the seizure threshold. It is important to inform the healthcare provider about all medications being taken.

Contraindications and Precautions

Zyban is contraindicated in patients with a seizure disorder, current or prior diagnosis of bulimia or anorexia nervosa, and in patients undergoing abrupt discontinuation of alcohol or sedatives. Precautions should be taken in patients with a history of head trauma, brain tumor, severe liver disease, and others.

Possible side effect

Common side effects of Zyban may include dry mouth, insomnia, nausea, and dizziness. In some cases, it may lead to serious neuropsychiatric side effects. Patients should consult a healthcare professional for a complete list of side effects and possible adverse reactions.

Dosage and Directions

The usual dosage for Zyban is 150mg once daily for the first 3 days, followed by 150mg twice daily. The duration of treatment is typically 7 to 12 weeks. However, the dosage and duration may vary depending on individual patient response and healthcare provider's recommendation.

Missed dose and Overdose

If a dose is missed, patients should take it as soon as they remember unless it's close to the time for the next dose. Double doses should not be taken. In case of an overdose, immediate medical attention is required.


Zyban should be stored at room temperature, away from moisture and heat. Keep it out of reach of children and pets.

Known Non-standard Use

Zyban's non-standard use may include off-label use for conditions other than smoking cessation. It's important to use this medication only as prescribed by a healthcare professional.

Patient Considerations

Patients should be advised to be cautious when driving or operating machinery, especially at the beginning of treatment or after any dosage adjustments, as Zyban may cause dizziness or seizures in some individuals.

Breastfeeding and Pregnancy

The use of Zyban during pregnancy and breastfeeding is a decision that should be made in consultation with healthcare provider, weighing the potential risks and benefits for the mother and the fetus or infant.

Possible Risks

Zyban carries the risk of serious neuropsychiatric symptoms, including changes in mood, behavior, and suicidal ideation, especially in the initial period of treatment. Patients and their caregivers should be alert to any unusual changes, and healthcare providers should be informed immediately.

Zyban FAQ

What is Zyban used for?

Zyban is a prescription medication used to help people quit smoking by reducing withdrawal effects and the urge to smoke.

How does Zyban work?

Zyban works by affecting the chemicals in the brain to reduce the urge to smoke and the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal.

What are the common side effects of Zyban?

Common side effects of Zyban may include dry mouth, insomnia, sweating, dizziness, and changes in appetite.

Can Zyban be used for depression?

Zyban is primarily used for smoking cessation, but it is also used to treat depression. It should only be used for depression under the supervision of a healthcare professional.

How long does it take for Zyban to start working?

It usually takes about 1 to 2 weeks for Zyban to start working. The full benefits may not be seen for several weeks.

Can I drink alcohol while taking Zyban?

Drinking alcohol while taking Zyban may increase the risk of seizures. It's important to consult a doctor about alcohol consumption while on Zyban.

Is Zyban a nicotine replacement therapy?

Zyban is not a nicotine replacement therapy like nicotine patches or gum. It is a different type of medication that helps reduce the urge to smoke.

Can Zyban be used with nicotine replacement therapy?

Combining Zyban with nicotine replacement therapy may be an effective way to quit smoking. However, it's important to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

What is the recommended dosage of Zyban?

The recommended dosage of Zyban may vary depending on individual circumstances. It's crucial to follow the doctor's instructions and not exceed the prescribed dosage.

Can Zyban be used for smokeless tobacco users?

Zyban is mainly used to help people quit smoking, but it may also be prescribed to help with quitting smokeless tobacco. It's essential to discuss this option with a doctor.

Is Zyban safe for pregnant women?

Pregnant women should consult a healthcare professional before using Zyban, as the risks and benefits need to be carefully considered.

What should I do if I miss a dose of Zyban?

If a dose of Zyban is missed, it should be taken as soon as possible unless it's close to the next scheduled dose. It's crucial not to double the dose to make up for the missed one.

Can Zyban cause weight gain?

Some people may experience changes in appetite while taking Zyban. If weight changes occur, it's important to discuss them with a healthcare professional.

How long is the usual course of treatment with Zyban?

The usual course of treatment with Zyban is 7 to 12 weeks. However, the duration may vary based on individual needs and treatment response.

Is Zyban the same as Wellbutrin?

Zyban and Wellbutrin are the same medication (bupropion) but are marketed for different uses. Zyban is specifically for smoking cessation, while Wellbutrin is used to treat depression.

Zyban Properties

  • Conditions To Treat: Smoking cessation
  • Clinical Use: Smoking cessation aid
  • Spectrum Of Activity: Norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor (NDRI)
  • Mechanism Of Action: Increases dopamine and norepinephrine levels in the brain
  • Length Of Use: Short-term
  • Recommended Dosage: 150 mg twice daily
  • Side Effects: Insomnia, dry mouth, headache

Zyban Related Medications

  • Champix by Pfizer

Zyban Suggested Treatments

Zyban various suggestions

How to Purchase Zyban | Bupropion on our Online Drugstore

To purchase Zyban | Bupropion on our online pharmacy, just choose the necessary dosage and quantity of pills above. Actual price of your choice will be reflected automatically. After that, you can add chosen amount to your cart by clicking the Add to Cart button. You can continue shopping for more pills or proceed to the checkout. At the Checkout, you can complete the payment process through our secure and dedicated payment gateway.

Zyban / Bupropion pills are made of high quality generic compounds and under strict quality control measures under WHO and Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) standards. However Zyban pills are sent from outise of Australia due to presciption issued overseas.

Zyban Reviews

Mate, I've been taking Zyban to quit smoking for about a month now and I gotta say, it's been a lifesaver! The cravings have reduced significantly and I feel more in control. It's a real game-changer. #elated #🎉

Darren T. (dazza83) Sydney, Australia

Hey Darren! That's awesome to hear. I've been considering Zyban myself. Did you experience any side effects? #curious #🤔

Jasmine W. (meyougirls) Melbourne, Australia

Jasmine, mate, I did have a few side effects in the beginning. I had some trouble sleeping and got a bit grumpy, but it only lasted for a week or so. Definitely worth it in the long run! #determined #💪

Darren T. (dazza83) Sydney, Australia

Darren, thanks for sharing your experience! I've been a smoker for years, and I'm really desperate to quit. Do you think Zyban will help me? #desperate #😩

Jennifer P. (coolrunner01) Perth, Australia

Jennifer, Zyban is definitely worth a shot. It worked wonders for me and many others. Just be prepared for some initial side effects. Give it a go, mate! #supportive #👍

Darren T. (dazza83) Sydney, Australia

G'day all! Just wanted to chime in and say that Zyban didn't work for me. I gave it a solid try, but it didn't seem to have any effect on my cravings. Maybe it works differently for each person. #disappointed #😔

Bradley T. (quitsmokeau) Brisbane, Australia

Bradley, that's a shame, mate. It's true that different medications work differently for everyone. Maybe you could explore other options like nicotine patches or gum? Don't give up, buddy! #encouraging #💪

Darren T. (dazza83) Sydney, Australia

Hey everyone! I successfully quit smoking with Zyban last year. The first couple of weeks were tough, but it really helped me overcome my cravings. Stay strong, folks! 💪 #motivated #💪

Emma D. (smokefree007) Adelaide, Australia

Emma, I'm glad to hear Zyban worked for you! I'm on my third week with it, and I have to admit, it's been a rollercoaster ride. The cravings are intense, but I'm pushing through. Hoping for the best! #determined #💪

Liam E. (happyquitter) Sydney, Australia

Liam, mate, hang in there! It can be a tough journey, but you're doing great. Remember to reach out to supportive friends and family as well. You're not alone in this! #supportive #❤️

Bradley T. (quitsmokeau) Brisbane, Australia

Zyban was just what I needed to quit smoking. I had no major side effects, and it really helped me manage my cravings. Haven't touched a cigarette in six months! #proud #🎉

Isabella S. (newlifeahead) Sydney, Australia

Isabella, that's fantastic! Congrats on your journey to a smoke-free life. I'm on day one with Zyban, and I'm feeling hopeful. Fingers crossed it works for me too! 🤞 #hopeful #🤞

Max W. (superguspy) Gold Coast, Australia

Max, good on ya for starting this journey! Stay positive, mate. Remember, even if you stumble along the way, it's all part of the process. You got this! #positive #💪

Darren T. (dazza83) Sydney, Australia

Hey, everyone! I'm 60 years old and have been smoking for over 40 years. Just started Zyban recently, and I'm excited to see if it can finally help me quit. Better late than never, right? 💪 #hopeful #🤞

Emily N. (nevertoolate) Melbourne, Australia

I've been taking Zyban for smoking cessation and it's been incredible. My cravings have dropped significantly and I'm already feeling more confident in my ability to quit. Highly recommend!

Alice Sydney, Australia

I was hesitant to try medication for my depression, but Zyban has been a godsend. My mood has improved significantly and my motivation has returned. It has been a truly life-changing experience.

Tom Auckland, New Zealand

Zyban has helped me with my smoking cessation but I've experienced some unpleasant side effects. The dry mouth and difficulty sleeping have been bothersome, but the benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

Samantha Melbourne, Australia

After years of struggling with seasonal affective disorder, I finally decided to try medication. Zyban has been a game-changer - my mood has lifted and I'm more productive than I've been in ages.

Oliver Wellington, New Zealand

I had high hopes for Zyban to help me quit smoking, but unfortunately it hasn't worked for me. The side effects have also been difficult to deal with - I've had terrible headaches and insomnia.

Jennifer Perth, Australia

Zyban has been a miracle drug for my anxiety. I finally feel like I'm in control of my thoughts and feelings. I can't recommend it enough!

Nathan Christchurch, New Zealand

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